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REBUILD Lower Back Pain Workshop

Learn Everything You Need To Resolve Your Pain & Rebuild Your Lower Back!

This workshop is for anyone who is serious about resolving their lower back pain and want a literal step by step approach to doing that. This workshop will teach you;

Part 1: Symptoms Management Strategies: How to stretch, mobilize and self massage

Part 2: Rebuilding: How to start building core, glute and back strength

Part 3: Moving well & whole body strength: How to hinge, squat, bend and extend and how to rebuild your entire body.

This program is an indepth glimpse into what our Back 2 Your Best Rehab Program involves and why it has worked so well for over 50 back pain sufferes so far.

I am also offering a FULL REFUND for anyone who isnt 100% happy with the weekend as I am so confident it will be so valuable for all attendees.

The price for the 3 hour workshop is $65 and if you are the first 10 people to book you can get the workshop for just $49 - use promocode REBUILD when checking out.

This workshop is limited to only 20 people so make sure to grab your tickets quick by clicking the link below.

Please feel free to pass this onto anyone in your life who is held back with their back pain.

Yours in health,


Time/Date: 9:00am - 12:0pm. Sunday July 28th

Location: 144 Brisbane St, Ipswich


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